



Stay Safe this Bars March

Dear Marchers,

We are actively monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and although we’re neither shaken nor stirred, we want every one to stay safe and healthy while they have fun.

If you’re out and about in our participating venues celebrating Bars March:

Wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.

Avoid touching your face as much as possible.

Maintain social distancing - at least 1-meter distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Handshakes are out. Elbow bumps are in. But a nod and a smile gives more positive impression than a firm handshake.

Practice good respiratory hygiene by covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze - dispose of the used tissue immediately.

All good venues are providing wipes and sanitisers, and are paying extra attention to frequent deep-cleaning of menus, tabletops, bar tops and other shared areas – but they won’t mind at all if you want to wipe a surface again for peace of mind.

If you have a fever, cough and/or difficulty breathing, stay at home. We’ll raise a glass to your good health and send healing vibes your way.

Stay informed and follow the advice given by your healthcare provider. The doc knows best!

How you can still support the hospitality industry and help our #haveadrinksaveadog cause:

Don’t panic! Think before you cancel and make considered decisions.

Share your pics with the tag #barsmarch #haveadrinksaveadog and like and engage with our participating bars and restaurants online.

Avoid the supermarket stockpilers and treat yourself to a feast in one of our world-class Bars March venues.

Remind your friends that tequila, vodka and whisky are considered quite awesomely medicinal by various cultures.

Eat plenty of good fresh food to boost your immune system, keep smiling and remember: the company of your dog is the best health tonic of all.

Yours Sincerely,



See the latest information from the Australian Government Department of Health so you can help prevent the spread of novel corona virus (COVID-19).
Go to health.gov.au
